
My visit to my mother in the personal care home is ending,  but the memories of our visit will carry me until the next time, if there is one.  She is 95 and we are both blessed that her mind is still remarkably intact.  There are lapses, but given her age, what can one expect?  Her kindness and appreciation of the staff’s assistance makes her life bearable. Her main complaint is the food. She claims she has no appetite. The staff offer her other options and tease, “Are you the Queen?” She laughs and tells me on more than one occasion how they kid her. Her sense of humour and acceptance of what life has given her has carried her this far. There is still so much for me to learn from her.


One thought on “Endings

  1. Rosemary Carstens

    Your mother sounds like a wonderful person, Diana. We can all learn from her about the importance of attitude–the importance of appreciating what we can and finding humor every day. I’m happy for you that she’s still there and that you can still share thoughts and ideas.

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